• デモサウンド(1)
(現地定価:USD 60.00)info

Zenhiser returns with what could possibly be the finest collection of desirable samples, loops, midi and vocals we’ve heard in over a decade. It literally is an aural orgasm.

Peel back the layers and you’ll reveal nearly 4GB of climax worthy content that will transcend your tracks to heavenly levels. Just on vocals alone this 80’s inspired sample pack is worth every penny, they are literally sublime. Vocal lines can be found in both stems and loop formats with nothing duplicated or repeated. We tip our hat to every section of the pack including the enticing stems, captivating loops, retro fuelled drum beats, drum sounds, Roland inspired synth loops, alluring one shots, fundamental midi and a whole chunk of care and attention that gives ‘Flash’ the appeal it rightly deserves. It literally is an 80’s fanboys wet dream.

To get your bearings aligned think of a fusion between Synthwave, Dream Pop, Synth Pop, Dreamwave and Chillwave. Add exceptional production skills with near perfect mastering and you’re only half way to experiencing what this pack can deliver. Oh and we forgot, there’s some fresh guitar lines included to add the icing on the cake.

Song Starters (Stems) x5
Includes midi, baselines, percussion, kicks guitars, chords, synths, pads, vocals, snare rolls - 68
Drum Hits - 01 Kick - 18
Drum Hits - 02 Hi Hat - 13
Drum Hits - 03 Clap - 09
Drum Hits - 04 Snare - 21
Drum Hits - 05 Shaker - 30
Drum Hits - 06 Percussion - 30
Drum Hits - 07 Cymbal - 05
Drum Rolls - Snare Roll - 20
Loops - Bassline - 31
Loops - Drum Beat - 75
Loops - Full Mix - 25
Loops - Guitar - 45
Loops - Instrument & Synth - 152
Loops - Midi - 77
Loops - Vocals - 40
One Shots - Bass - 13
One Shots - Chord Hit - 15
One Shots - Synth - 14
One Shots - Vocal - 09

Total Samples - 598
Total Midi - 82
Total Presets - 0
Tempo - 84bpm - 168bpm
Key Info - Yes

Audio - 24-Bit Wav
Unzip Size - 3.9GB
Zip Size - 2.9GB



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  • 4GBを超えるデータに関するご注意:FAT32でフォーマットされたHDDには、1ファイル4GBを超えるデータを格納することができません。データ容量が4GBを超えるダウンロード製品をご購入いただきます際には、NTFSやHFS+でフォーマットされたHDDをご用意いただく必要がございます。
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Demosong Playlist
All Clear