• デモサウンド(1)
(現地定価:USD 60.00)info

We’re perpetually learning and developing as a sound company, figuring out the current trends we believe have long term potential, adjusting pack requirements for todays producers and releasing only sound packs we believe have surpassed our benchmarks and deliver something new and fresh. ‘Blend - Progressive House’ does all of this with room to spare.

Honing in on a very specific sound from the Deep House & Progressive House scene, this collection is sure to leave you speechless and with a solid chunk of desire. It covers all your production situations with emphasis on everything from synth hits to individual stems. Everything is deeply emotive, utterly transfixing and blissfully beautiful. It allows you to take a fast hold on Progressive House whilst showcasing gorgeous drops, enticing rhythms, angelic synths, captivating arps and radiant basslines.

With such a broad spectrum of sounds and everything truly refined, ‘Blend - Progressive House’ literally is the perfect blend of Progressive House and Deep House. Time to let the preview do the talking!

Song Starter / Stem Songs x5
Includes basslines, drums, leads, fx, midi - 83
Drum Hits - 01 Kick - 25
Drum Hits - 02 Snare & Clap - 25
Drum Hits - 03 Hi Hat - 32
Drum Hits - 04 Percussion - 25
Drum Hits - 05 Crash - 05
Loops - Bassline - 50
Loops - Drum Beat - 172
Loops - Full Mix - 25
Loops - Midi - 151
Loops - Synth - 250
One Shots - Bass Hit- 25
One Shots - FX - 49
One Shots - Synth Hit - 25

Total Samples - 765
Total Midi - 178
Total Presets - 0
Tempo - 115bpm - 122bpm
Key Info - Yes

Audio - 24-Bit Wav
Unzip Size - 6.0GB
Zip Size - 4.7GB



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