• デモサウンド(1)
(現地定価:USD 60.00)info

You know we’re big Psy heads in the Zenhiser office so when a pack arrives flawless from its first submission and we simultaneously crank the speakers to near blowing point whilst making the preview, then all the signs lead to what could be a monumental Psytrance pack.

Geared around Psychedelic Trance and Progressive Trance, ‘Apex - Psytrance’ (can we fit Psy or Trance anymore in a sentence, ok let’s try) focuses it’s energy around full on Psy power moves with exceptional Psytrance basslines, flawless Psy beats, chattery Psytrance synth lines and accompanying midi for all your Psy needs, whatever your sub genre of Psytrance (12, that’s a new record for us).

This collection perfectly suits fans of labels including United Beats Records, Tip Records and Nano Records. It will burrow into the core foundations of your studio, breathe new light into your productions and be the first thing you think about when you meet your new girlfriend / boyfriend / theyfriend. In layman’s terms it’s a fusion of Goa melodies and Full On infrastructure with repetitive aural hallucinations crossing tracks with the pinnacle of acid sounds. Confused yet, we nearly lost it there.

Honestly, this is a superb Psytrance pack, we believe it should be a staple in every Psy producers kit bag. Just give the preview a whirl and you’ll know what we’re talking about.

Drum Hits - 01 Kick - 25
Drum Hits - 02 Snare & Clap - 25
Drum Hits - 03 Hi Hat - 25
Drum Hits - 04 Percussion - 25
Drum Hits - 05 Crash - 05
Drum Hits - 06 Reverse Cymbal - 05
Loops - Bassline - 50
Loops - Drum Beat - 357
Loops - Full Mix - 50
Loops - Midi - 261
Loops - Synth - 402
One Shots - Bass - 25
One Shots - FX - Drum - 15
One Shots - FX - Impact - 10
One Shots - FX - Sweep Down - 10
One Shots - FX - Sweep Up - 10
One Shots - Melody Hit - 25
One Shots - Synth - 25

Total Samples - 1089
Total Midi - 261
Total Presets - 0
Tempo -145bpm
Key Info - Yes

Audio - 24-Bit Wav
Unzip Size - 3.7GB
Zip Size - 3.0GB



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