アストラル・サイトランス 2
  • デモサウンド(1)
(現地定価:GBP 29.95)info

#1 bestseller from Singomakers is back with volume 2 - welcome, as incredible as Hulk, Mighty as Thor and Powerful as Avengers - Astral Psytrance 2!

As well as our previous pack, it’s not just samples, it’s pure Nirvana Vibrations! This sound library is full of hypnotic Mantra Vocals, Ethnic Melodies, PSY Basses, Drums, Shots, FX but now even more professional, inspiring and comes at an unbelievable 3,13 GB with 1532 Psytrance Elements!!!

Suitable for production of Psytrance, Full-On, Goa Trance, Progressive Psy Trance, Trance, Progressive Trance, Psystyle , Cinematic and Electronica!

Expect to find 160 One Shots, 100 Mantra Vocals (44 Dry, 56 Wet), 42 Shamanic Vocals (18 Dry, 24 Wet), 64 Psy Bass Loops, 60 Synth Loops, 104 Drum Loops (incl. Full Drum Loops, Top Loops, Hat Loops, Snare Loops), 50 Gated Vocals (21 Dry, 29 Wet), 56 Live & Cinematic Loops (Live Flutes, Tambs, Percussions), 605 Rex2 Files, 60 Sampler Patches, 102 SFX, 103 Synth Fills, 26 Drum Fills & Buid-Ups + Promo & Discount Folder.

If you want to hear your tracks at festivals like Ozora, Summer Eclipse, Psycrowdelica Wedding, Solstice, Sunburn, FullMoon, Vuuv Festival, Iono Music Festival then this sample pack is 100 % the right one for you!

Don’t forget that all samples are 100 % royalty free and you can use these in your own tracks and release on labels, use for commercials, youtube, radio and more!

All samples have been created and processed by HQ studio equipment from Avalon, Manley, UAD, SSL, outboard synths like Virus TI2, Moog, DSI, Korg, 0-Cost and amazing microphones from Soyuz and Rode! All the drum hits, synths and loops have been lovingly processed to be as punchy and warm as possible so all you need to do is drop them in and watch them go!

Within the ≪Promo & Discount folder≫ Don't miss discount promo codes for powerful VST/AU plugins from Singomakers - Fatmaker, Kick Tweak and Magic Stereo!

Check this amazing demo track and grab your copy of Astral Psytrance 2 today!

160 One Shots:25 Synth Shots20 Snares30 Perc20 Kicks30 Hi Hats10 Crashes25 Bass Shots100 Mantra Vocals (44 Dry, 56 Wet)42 Shamanic Vocals (18 Dry, 24 Wet)64 Psy Bass Loops60 Synth Loops104 Drum Loops (incl. Full Drum Loops, Top Loops, Hat Loops, Snare Loops)50 Gated Vocals (21 Dry, 29 Wet)56 Live & Cinematic Loops (Live Flutes, Tambs, Percussions)605 Rex2 Files60 Sampler Patches102 SFX103 Synth Fills26 Drum Fills & Build-Ups+ Promo & Discount Folder



  • KONTAKTフォーマットについて:サンプルパック製品のKONTAKTフォーマットは、製品版KONTAKT(別売)に読み込んでお使いいただけます。無償版のKONTAKT PLAYERではお使いいただけませんので、ご注意ください。また、「ライブラリ・タブ」への表示にも対応しておりません。
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