

ドライビングトランスフォース MIDI アンセムキット 2
  • デモサウンド(1)
(現地定価:GBP 15.00)info

'Driving Trance Force MIDI Atnthem Kits 2' features 20 driving Trance MIDI Construction Kits With 197 MIDI files from intro to main MIDI files. This pack also includes bonus Spire and percussion files. Inspired by all the top Trance artists and festivals from around the world, this pack brings you the best quality tools for your productions.

These MIDI Kits give you a great start to your next track or could be a great edition to your existing projects to give you another direction or dimension to your tracks.

MIDI Kits:

This pack gives you 20 song ideas to either use as is or to tweak and create your own Trance smash hit. Each Kit includes on average nine MIDI files ranging from intro and main arps, basses, sub basses, chord plucks, pads and more to kick start your track. You're in complete control with MIDI files as MIDI is also a great learning tool to study and create your own ideas. You are also free to use the included bonus Spire presets and percussion in your own tracks if you wish. Also included are the FL Studio FLP files for each Kit so you can see how the demo was put together.

Advantages With MIDI:

With MIDI you have the ultimate in flexibility being able to edit notes, velocity and assign your own sound. These are easily imported to any DAW by either drag and drop or import MIDI options in your DAW.

These MIDIs are also a great source of inspiration for those writers block moments. Even the pros need motivation and inspiration from time to time. You can learn how these sounds have been constructed and change/tweak the MIDI to your own taste.

With the included presets you have complete control and can replicate the sounds you hear in the demo, you can tweak and do what you want to achieve your own sound.

Please Note:

Please use Spire v1.1.13 or higher. For FL Studio owners please use FL Studio 12.5.1 not guaranteed to load with older versions. Keep your software legal and up-to-date to avoid any issues when loading your new presets.

You do not need FL Studio to use these Kits as all files are here for you to import the MIDI, percussion & Spire presets in to your DAW of choice. It is recommended to download the demo of FL Studio and checking out how the demos was created so you can study and emulate this in your desired DAW of choice, but the choice is yours.

Product Details:

- 20 MIDI Construction Kits
- Intro/Main MIDI Files
- Free Spire Presets Per Kit
- Free Percussion WAV Files Per Kit (32-Bit)
- 197 MIDI Files
- 116 Spire Presets
- 149 WAV Percussion Files
- Demo Mixdowns of each Kit
- FL Studio FLP File Per Kit
- 138 BPM
- 502 Total Files
- 167 MB Zipped/ 295 MB Unzipped
- 100% Royalty-Free



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Demosong Playlist
All Clear