(現地定価:GBP 15.99)info

Are you looking for 2GB of high quality, must have Afro Tech Audio loops and one-shots, Construction Kits, MIDI loops, Synth Presets, Video Tutorials and production tips and tricks to your sample library?

Are you searching for the tools and inspiration to take your music and career to the next level?

This is Afro Tech - the latest production toolkit from Sample Tools by Cr2.

This pack contains almost 2GB of content spread across the absolute highest quality audio, MIDI, Presets, Video Tutorials and tips and tricks booklet.

These top quality audio loops and one-shots will slot seamlessly into any Deep, Tech or House production - choose from killer bass, drum, synth, guitar, vox and piano loops, punchy drum hits (including key labelled kicks!) and inspiring FX.

Not to mention our ever popular Songstarter Construction kits

We aim to deliver the ultimate product for novice and advanced user alike - allowing you to delve as deep as you wish to generate your own sound.

Thats why we also provide 3 Prod-Cast video tutorials shining a light on the techniques we used in this pack and a booklet containing tips and tricks from the producer.

After we have provided you with the tools to make killer tracks we introduce ways to focus on your mindset and mental approach to the creative process with our video with music production productivity guru Mike Monday (every music producers best friend).

If you want to quadruple your studio output watch this video NOW.

Finally we provide you with the ultimate guide to pitching your music to labels and industry professionals from the Music Marketing Academy's Budi Voogt.

We are proud to put the Cr2 name to this pack.

We are Sample Tools by Cr2 and this is Afro Tech.

- 602 Total Audio Files
- 115 MIDI Files
- 50 Synth Presets
- 50 Bass Loops
- 25 Bass Hits
- 40 Claps
- 40 Hats
- 40 Kicks
- 40 Perc
- 40 Snare
- 25 Drum Loops (124 stems)
- 20 FX
- 30 Perc Loops
- 6 x Songstarters
- 78 Audio Files
- 15 MIDi
- 50 Synth Loops
- 50 Synth MIDI
- 50 Bass MIDI
- 3 Prod-Cast Video Tutorials
- 1 Mike Monday Studio Productivity Video
- 1 Budi Voogt Art of Pitching Video
- 1 Booklet containing production tips and tricks




  • KONTAKTフォーマットについて:サンプルパック製品のKONTAKTフォーマットは、製品版KONTAKT(別売)に読み込んでお使いいただけます。無償版のKONTAKT PLAYERではお使いいただけませんので、ご注意ください。また、「ライブラリ・タブ」への表示にも対応しておりません。
  • 4GBを超えるデータに関するご注意:FAT32でフォーマットされたHDDには、1ファイル4GBを超えるデータを格納することができません。データ容量が4GBを超えるダウンロード製品をご購入いただきます際には、NTFSやHFS+でフォーマットされたHDDをご用意いただく必要がございます。
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  • デモソングは、製品収録サウンドを使ってできることを紹介するためのデモンストレーション用の楽曲です。原則として、デモソングそのものをお使いいただくことはできません。また、デモソングを構成する全てのサウンドが、サンプルパックに含まれていることを保証するものではありません。
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Demosong Playlist
All Clear