• 媒体名:Sound On Sound誌(UK)
  • 更新日:98.10.01
Sound On Sound誌(UK)レビュー内容(英語)
"In terms of value for money, Skinned scores very highly indeed, and the sheer amount of usable material will win it many friends. On the downside, however, the devotion to all things harsh and twisted seems at times to be just a little too relentless and whilst Spectrasonics Distorted Reality (a similar type of release) gave us room to breath with some softer, more mellow sounds mixed in with the chaos, Skinned is about as soothing as a Brillo-Pad toothbrush....

...Zero G have come up with another winner, and while it certainly won’t be to everyone’s taste, those who are brave enough to have a go will reap the rewards."

Demosong Playlist
All Clear