Spitfire Audioより、憧憬・回想を連想させるサウンドデザインが施された音源『RAVEN BUSH – MOONGLADES』発売

2020年7月29日 18:10 by yuk

オーケストラ音源で世界中から高い評価を集めているSpitfire Audioから、SA Recordings所属アーティスト“Raven Bush”とのコラボレーションにより制作された『RAVEN BUSH – MOONGLADES』が発売されました。

『RAVEN BUSH – MOONGLADES』は、ダンサー/振付師である“Coral Dolphin”との共作により制作されたビデオクリップを元に制作されています。

人間性と狂気の境界線を探る振り付けが施された本クリップを元に、Raven Bushは自身が所有するバリトンヴァイオリン、5弦ヴァイオリン、エレクトリックピアノ、ヴィンテージシンセサイザーを用いて、高度にサウンドデザインを施したライブラリをくみ上げました。



A dream has come true and will be released for the world, this Thursday!
A film I had the honor directing/choreographing for artist musician Raven Bush @allsoundismusic in collaboration @spitfireaudio X @sa_recordings

It was a humbling creative process making Moonglade. It provided a space for me to explore, think fast & boldly, make sudden risks and learn simultaneously.
It started with a tiny seed planted within which then evolved into a an extremely extensive written treatment. Lol Through out the creative process I allowed my SOUL to LEAD and with that, the ART to took its own ROOT.

One thing I know for sure is that, when you put your soul into any creation, the TRUE MESSAGE never fails to reveal itself to you in the end. You never really need to know where your going, but to always take steps forward in DEEP FAITH. Your SOUL is the ultimate guide to authentic TRUTH and LOVE.

Big thank you to @bentotty84 @boxartistmanagement for the space and chance to be free and vulnerable. For one who trusts and pushes me beyond my own limitations. I’m so grateful.

I cant thank my team enough for bringing this dream, this vision to fruition.
Its been a honor and pleasure working with you all.
Artist: Raven Bush @allsoundismusic
Director||Choreograpgher: @coraldolphin x @iamcoraldolphin
Cinematographer: Zurisaddai Corona Jr @ajnanadi
Editor: @kateowenedit
Stylist: @ary.matteazzi
Colorist: @m.y.l.e.s
Executive Producer :
Ben Totty||Box Artist Management
@bentotty84 @boxartistmanagement
Executive Producer :
Ed Feilden||Eat Productions
Spitfire Audio

Stephanie Carlos
Tislarm Bouie
Anya Clarke
Sy Gaskin
Carley Marholin
Alexis Roberts
Wade Watson
Mitsuko Verdery

Dropping this Thursday on @sa_recordings x @coraldolphin
Stay tuned my people 💙🌀

Coral Dolphinさんの投稿 2020年7月21日火曜日

税込価格 ¥4,367
  • カテゴリ:ソフト音源