ミックス・パック - ボーカル
ボーカルミックスの問題点を解決に導く『EZ MIX 3』拡張パック!
- 製品カテゴリ プラグイン・エフェクト
- リリース時期 2025年1月
- 商品コード C6995
- 短縮コード TT599SN
『MIX PACK - VOCALS』はボーカルトラックがミックスに馴染まず浮いてしまう――そんな問題を解消するために設計されたEZ MIX 3用のMIXパックです。
- 『EZ MIX 3』用拡張MIXパック
- オーディオソースに基づいたスタートポイントを提示するAIアシストプリセットを搭載
- サチュレーション、コンプレッション、EQなどを含むフルシグナルチェーンに基づいたボーカル用プリセット
- ポップスからハードロック、メタルまで様々なジャンルにマッチするプリセット
- 伝統的なボーカル・サウンドから、広がりや迫力のあるサウンドまでを網羅
本製品を使用するには『EZ MIX 3』v3.1.1以上が必要です。
Airy Soft Voice
Basic Blues Rock Vocals
Basic Pop Vocals
Basic Rock Vocals
Big Space Octaves
Distorted Midrange Room
Echoes in a Tiled Room
Fat and Resampled Octaves
Hard Rock Vocals 1
Hard Rock Vocals 2
Hard VCA Compression
Harmonized Octaves
Maxed-Out Dry Harmonizer
Maxed-Out Kind of Dry
Pop Vocals 1
Pop Vocals 2
Pushed into Rotor
Rock Vocals 1
Rock Vocals 2
Short Warm Plate
Singer Songwriter Vocals 1
Singer Songwriter Vocals 2
Slap Vox
Soft Hall Choirs
Soft Plate Echoes
Soft Short Plate Vox 1
Soft Short Plate Vox 2
Soft Short Vox
Soft Vox
Spring Verb Pop Voice
Wide and Narrow
Brighter Choirs Big Space
Vocals Backing
Insert, AI-Assisted
Brighter Choirs Plate
Vocals Backing
Insert, AI-Assisted
Metal Choir 1
Vocals Backing
Insert, AI-Assisted
Metal Choir 2
Vocals Backing
Insert, AI-Assisted
Metal Choir 3
Vocals Backing
Insert, AI-Assisted
Soft Hall Choirs
Vocals Backing
Insert, AI-Assisted
Airy Soft Voice
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Basic Blues Rock Vocals
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Basic Pop Vocals
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Basic Rock Vocals
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Big Space Octaves
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Crispy and Balanced
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Crushed LFO Delay
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Distorted Midrange Room
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI Amp Capture
Echoes in a Tiled Room
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Fat and Resampled Octaves
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Hard Rock Vocals 1
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Hard Rock Vocals 2
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Hard Rock Vocals 3
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Hard VCA Compression
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI Amp Capture
Harmonized Octaves
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Maxed-Out Dry Harmonizer
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Maxed-Out Kind of Dry
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Moving Sides
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Narrow and Big
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Neural Vocal Chain 1
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI Amp Capture
Neural Vocal Chain 2
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI Amp Capture
Neural Vocal Chain 3
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI Amp Capture
Neural Vocal Chain 4
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI Amp Capture
Octave Down Vocal Chops 1
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Octave Down Vocal Chops 2
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Octave Vocal Chops 1
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Octave Vocal Chops 2
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Octave Vocal Chops 3
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Octave Vocal Chops 4
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Phasers and Springs
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Pop Vocals 1
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Pop Vocals 2
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Pop Vocals 3
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Pop Vocals 4
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Pushed into Rotor
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI Amp Capture
Resample It
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Resampled Octave Down
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Reversed Reverb Feel
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Rock Vocals 1
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Rock Vocals 2
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Rock Vocals 3
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Short Warm Plate
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Singer-Songwriter Vocals 1
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Singer-Songwriter Vocals 2
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Slap Vox
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Soft Hall Vox
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Soft Plate Echoes
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Soft Short Plate Vox 1
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Soft Short Plate Vox 2
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Soft Short Plate Vox 3
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Soft Short Vox
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Soft Vox
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Spring Verb Pop Voice
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Stereo-Modulated Voice 1
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Stereo-Modulated Voice 2
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Warm and Cozy
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Warm Rock Plate
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
Wide and Narrow
Vocals Lead
Insert, AI-Assisted
- 製品の購入手続き完了後、受注確認メールとシリアルナンバーをお知らせするメールの2通が送信されます。メールに記載されております説明に沿って、製品のダウンロード/導入を行って下さい。
- ダウンロード製品という性質上、一切の返品・返金はお受け付け致しかねます。