• デモサウンド(1)
(現地定価:GBP 49.95)info

'Symphonic Series Vol 9: Arabian Adventures 2' returns with another five jaw-dropping compositions by professional soundtrack composer, Gregor Theelen. You'll find 5.74 GB (unzipped) of audio and MIDI content in ACID WAV, Apple Loops and OMF formats, all designed to infuse your productions with the mysterious and alluring vibe of the East.

All of the instruments one can find in a symphony orchestra are included in this epic pack, alongside some authentic Arabian instruments and percussion.


Double basses, harps, violins, violas, chellos, & dulcimers


Piccolos and concert flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, bass clarinet, and contra bassoons.


Trumpets, trombone, tubas, French horns


Xylophones, darabukas, and a wide range of ethnic and traditional orchestral percussion.

Free Demo Loops:

How would you like to check out this product before you buy- Well, we've put together a Free Pack including 10 loops from this product, in WAV format. You can download this pack here. Please note: there are thousands of files in this product, so this pack represents a very small amount of the full product, which includes 5.7 GB of unzipped content in a choice of ACID WAV or Apple Loops.

About Gregor Theelen:

Gregor Theelen is a classically-trained composer with decades of experience in working with large orchestras in recording studios.

About the Symphonic Series:

The "Symphonic Series" paves the way for producers and composers of all standards to incorporate highly innovative and natural-sounding orchestral loops into their work. This series will eventually cover a multitude of different orchestral styles, and is focused on "authenticity". Watch this space as we have many more exciting titles coming soon…

Who is this product for?

'Symphonic Series Vol 9: Arabian Adventures 2' is not just an immensely useful and inspirational tool for soundtrack, game and film composers, it goes far beyond this and is useful for producers of all styles. For example, anyone wanting to add some Arabian flavours to their music will find outstanding inspiration here.

Hip Hop producers and Dance producers can import the OMF files into their favorite DAW or sequencer, find a hot spot, then set the locators and start working on a beat.

Ambient artists may want to loop a woodwind section, pitch it down at least 2 octaves and start mixing this with time-stretched double bass notes.

The possibilities are limited only by your own imagination. If in doubt, download the free pack to play around with some of the loops before you buy.

Using the MIDI files:

Want to use the exact notes of a phrase while adding some patches from your favourite synth- No problem. Thanks to our clear file-naming system you won't need more than a couple of seconds to locate and import the MIDI file representing the notes of your favourite phrase. Output the MIDI loop through your own synth, and come up with some incredible new ideas.

About using the OMF files:

OMF format (Open Media Format) allows you to import a complete arrangement of audio loops into virtually any sequencer. Once loaded, you will see all parts on screen exactly as originally seen when exported, with chunks of audio data on separate tracks, all named by instrument. This format will allow you complete flexibility when re-mixing the arrangements.

By muting or soloing tracks while looping a specific section, you will soon find the exact combination of instruments you want to use for your project. Keep in mind that it might be best to use the same file-naming system when exporting your favourite sections as you may want to add or change things at a later point in your creative process.

List of Sequencers with OMF Import:

Here is a list of all sequencers that will import the full arrangements of these kits in audio format. When you import these arrangements you will be able to see them in your sequencer as if you had recorded them yourself:

- AudioDesk
- Cubase
- Digital Performer
- Logic Pro
- Logic Studio
- Nuendo
- Pro Tools
- Pyramix
- Sadie
- Samplitude
- Sonar
- Soundtrack Pro

Using these OMF arrangements you will be able to (I) Re-arrange them as desired (ii) Learn how this music was put together.

Arabian tonality:

In keeping with the rest of the Symphonic Series this pack does not adhere to micro tuning to enhance the Arabian feel but instead uses traditional Western-Classical tuning. Not using exotic tunings will help you staying "in tune" with your own musical idiom (and other loops in your project) while getting inspired with the content we're offering you.

Product Specifications:

- 5 Kits containing audio loops and MIDI loops representing musical phrases in the Arabic genre.

- All audio loops are in 24-Bit, 44.1 kHz sample rate.

- 5 OMF files containing the exact arrangements of the tracks are provided, so you can import the full arrangements into all sequencers which support this format. These files are great to be used as reference files and to export small sections you pick out yourself while having the opportunity to make your own mix before you start exporting. This format is also great for DJ's and sound designers.

- All loops are royalty-free to those who have purchased the product. "Commercial use" of the five original compositions "exactly as they are in the demos" is forbidden, though. One has to make "new music" using our loops to act in accordance with our license agreement.



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  • サンプルパック製品には、原則として日本語版操作マニュアルをご用意しておりません。ご購入後のご不明点や詳細に関するお問い合わせなどはテクニカルサポートまでご連絡ください。
  • デモソングは、製品収録サウンドを使ってできることを紹介するためのデモンストレーション用の楽曲です。原則として、デモソングそのものをお使いいただくことはできません。また、デモソングを構成する全てのサウンドが、サンプルパックに含まれていることを保証するものではありません。
  • ダウンロード製品という性質上、一切の返品・返金はお受け付け致しかねます。

Demosong Playlist
All Clear