  • デモサウンド(1)
(現地定価:GBP 18.52)info

Function Loops brings you one of a kind release, loaded with over 3GB of Tropical, Deep House material including five Construction Kits filled with all the instruments you will ever need, plus a collection of Acapellas in each Kit. If you are producing these hottest genres of 2015 and looking to refresh your ideas and workflow, then look no further as you won't find anything similar around, guaranteed.

Inspired by Kygo, Duke Dumont, Thomas Jack, Klingande, Bakermat, Mr.Probz and alike.

This is what DJ Mag had to say about Tropical House:

"In the case of Tropical House, a sub-genre of what's passing for Deep House these days, the sounds take listeners straight to the beach. The summery spinoff of House is rapidly increasing in popularity thanks to pioneers such as Kygo, Klingande and Thomas Jack, it comes filled with breezy synths, bangin’ bongos, sexy saxophones, chill vibes, and warm melodies. So sit back, pour yourself a fruity drink into one of those plastic coconut-shaped cups and get ready to be transported to your own private island sans the cost of airfare."

This is exactly what you are getting in 'Tropical Deep House Acapellas' sample pack!

The Kits are loaded with various instruments such as Guitars, Sax, Plucks, Leads, Chords, Organs, Pads, Drums, Percussion, FX and so on, but the best thing is, they are filled with Tropical and Deep Acapellas.

Acapellas come as separated Vocal Loops in case you are looking to make your productions from scratch. MIDI files of all Melodic Loops are also included, plus all the One-Shots (percussive and melodic). Maximum flexibility!

With millions of views on YouTube and Soundcloud, heard on mainstages of festivals such as Tomorrowland and Ultra, Tropical and Deep House are the hottest genres of 2015. Don't miss your chance to dominate the scene with this refreshing Construction Kits and Acapellas collection suitable for various Deep House sub-genres, including Tropical House, Melodic House and so on, call it as you wish!

These Acapellas and Vocal Loops can also fit for other EDM genres, where emotions are involved.
(From  Function Loops)



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