• 媒体名:Computer Music誌(UK)
  • 更新日:99.11.01
Computer Music誌(UK)レビュー内容(英語)
Many swingbeat love monsters seem to have appropriated the word freakin' as their sexual euphemism of choice, so we were expecting some laid back, open shirted, medallion-wearing slow jams from Freak Beats. A few of the loops do indeed fit this bill, but this isn't an anodyne collection by any means, and shouldn't be unjustly dismissed as such.

The pace picks up as you progress, and there are some interesting effect-loaded hip-hop patterns to take in along the way. The kits used are right out of the top drawer (as is the programming), and there's far more variety and quirkiness than we initially anticipated. Funky, feisty and with plenty of beats for your pound: This is one to look out for"
税込価格 ¥4,488


  • ジャンル:
  • フォーマット:WAV
  • リリース時期:2010年1月
  • メーカー:ZERO-G

Demosong Playlist
All Clear