• 媒体名:Computer Music誌(UK)
  • 更新日:09.12.01
Computer Music誌(UK)レビュー内容(英語)
The Audio Boutique series continues with Tribal Elements. produced by Ramon Zenker and Harald Aufmuth.lt comprises over 800 unique samples in total. most of which are top-quality loops. ready to drive and inspire your productions into the realms of the most contemporary Latin-house blends. If you're looking to add an organic and sophisticated South American essence. this library alone will likely provide you with that missing tribal touch for many tracks to come. As well as the obligatory percussive hits and loops. Zenker and Aufmuth have provided a selection of FX and Latin vocal samples, too.
税込価格 ¥6,897


  • ジャンル:
  • フォーマット:WAV, REX2, HALION, EXS24, BATTERY, NN-XT, AppleLoops, Ableton Live Device, KONTAKT (Preview)
  • リリース時期:2011年12月

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