• 媒体名:EQ誌(USA)
Picture a chase scene, with Matt Damon jumping over a barbed wire fence, pursued by snarling dogs and the Stasi. Or, imagine the airplane piloted by the Good Guy, with Sidewinder missiles bearing down fast . . . or the suspense scene where the evil Dr. Death starts the countdown sequence that will destroy humanity as we know it, with the ever-resourceful Bond-type character smashing the faces of bad guys left and right after managing to escape the Shark Tank of Certain Death.

In situations like these, you want fast, heavy, adrenalin-inducing percussion, with big cymbals, bigger toms, orchestral kicks, hard tympani hits, weird percussion, and a serious dose of steroids. You want Epic Drums.

This reminds me of Heavyocity's Evolve instrument, but is more focused on a particular sound-epic drums. (In fact if you'd rather play these sounds as an instrument, a 2.4GB download is available for $99.95 with Apple Loops and Kontakt 3 presets.)

There are 40 folders with BPM notations, each with an average of 30 files that includes a mix of loops and one-shots. It's easy to build a scene from these various elements, and the one-shots are a gem; add some of them to your standard drum kit for some real power, taking this library further than being only for soundtracks.

BOOM! CRASH! Pocka-pocka-pocka-pocka POW?
税込価格 ¥16,511


  • ジャンル:
  • フォーマット:AppleLoops, KONTAKT (Preview)
  • リリース時期:2010年1月

Demosong Playlist
All Clear