• 媒体名:Computer Music誌(UK)
Computer Music誌(UK)レビュー内容(英語)
This collection of top notch world percussion is from professional session percussionist Pete Lockett. The 455 WAVs and 403 REX loops comprise everything from tinkly symbols to thunderous Taiko drumming. Everything is recorded to a high standard, and there’s plenty of expressive playing.

This is a sensible purchase if you’re working on soundtracks or indeed any genre that could benefit from unusual percussion: you get a lot for the price and there’s some truly original work here.

Verdict: 9/10
Pete Lockettによる熟練のパーカッションループ集
税込価格 ¥5,643


  • ジャンル:
  • フォーマット:WAV, ACID, REX2
  • リリース時期:2010年10月

Demosong Playlist
All Clear