• 媒体名:Keyboard誌(USA)
  • 更新日:07.05.01
良点: どんなエレクトロニカにも使える、多様性のあるクリエイティブなサウンド素材。非常にお買い得。

PROS: A diverse, creative set of material appropriate for just about any electronic style of music. Serious bang-for-buck

CONS: Many of the NN-XT sampler patches are based only on single samples.

"The Big Reason is a collection of seven previously unreleased libraries, each with its own stylistic slant. Collectively, the whole is definitely larger than the sum of its parts.

Individually, none of these libraries would rank best-in-class. As a singel collection , thought, The Big Reason is solid. It succeeds as a go-to-source for inspiration or that "something extra"for your tracks. ...In other words, there's something for just about anyone who works in any electronic-based style of music.

The Big Reason is all about bang-for-buck, and it's an undeniably good deal. If you're a Reason user who wants to inject fresh instruments and loops into your existing palette, you'd be hard pressed to find a better choice."
税込価格 ¥12,353


  • ジャンル:
  • フォーマット:REX2, Redrum, NN-19, NN-XT
  • リリース時期:2010年1月
  • メーカー:ZERO-G

Demosong Playlist
All Clear