

  • デモサウンド(1)
(現地定価:USD 60.00)info

Zenhiser’s next instalment in the retro sound of 80’s comes to fruition with ‘Retro Aesthetics Vol1’. This 2GB chunky sample pack suits everything from Synthwave to Chillwave, Synth Pop to Dream Pop plus everything in between.

This nostalgic collection breathes new life into the 80’s with subtle nods to The Midnight, Timecop 1983 and John Hughes movie soundtracks. With the use of a varied range of analogue gear including vintage synths and drum machines, ‘Retro Aesthetics Vol1’ has that classic feel whilst adding a little analogue grit to the whole pack. A bespoke layout has also been used to deliver huge drag and drop compatibly including two banks of 80’s presets for Reveal Sounds ‘Spire’ Synth & Lennar Digitals ‘Sylenth’ to turn your studio into a Synthwave machine!

Neontastic from the word go, ‘Retro Aesthetics Vol1’ will make your tracks stand out from the rest, it's as simple as that. So if you’re into shoulder pads, mullets, pastel suits and Sony Walkmans you’ll rank even higher with this sample pack by your side.

Please note: This sample pack includes presets. These presets are only compatible with Reveal Sounds ‘Spire’ Synth & Lennar Digitals ‘Sylenth’ synth.

Drum Hits - 01 Kick - 25
Drum Hits - 02 Hi Hat - 30
Drum Hits - 03 Clap - 20
Drum Hits - 04 Snare - 40
Drum Hits - 05 Percussion - 50
Drum Hits - 06 Cymbal - 20
Drum Hits - 07 Ride - 10
Drum Hits - 08 Tom - 20
Loops - Full Synth Loops - 10 (includes full mix, midi, bassline, lead, arp, pad, synth) - 166
Loops - Individual - Atmosphere - 10
Loops - Individual - Basslines - 12
Loops - Individual - Bassline - Midi - 12
Loops - Individual - Drum Beat 90bpm - 71
Loops - Individual - Drum Beat 100bpm - 62
Loops - Individual - Drum Beat 110bpm - 64
Loops - Individual - Drum Beat 122bpm - 60
Loops - Individual - Drum Fills 90bpm - 10
Loops - Individual - Drum Fills 100bpm - 10
Loops - Individual - Drum Fills 110bpm - 10
Loops - Individual - Drum Fills 122bpm - 10
Loops - Individual - Percussion & Tops - 20
Loops - Individual - Synth Loops - 77
Loops - Individual - Synth Loops - Midi - 40
One Shots - FX - 44
Presets - Spire - 50
Presets - Sylenth - 50

Total Samples - 827
Total Midi - 132
Total Presets - 102
Tempo - 90bpm - 122bpm
Key Info - Yes

Audio - 24-Bit Wav
Unzip Size - 2.2GB
Zip Size - 1.7GB



  • KONTAKTフォーマットについて:サンプルパック製品のKONTAKTフォーマットは、製品版KONTAKT(別売)に読み込んでお使いいただけます。無償版のKONTAKT PLAYERではお使いいただけませんので、ご注意ください。また、「ライブラリ・タブ」への表示にも対応しておりません。
  • 4GBを超えるデータに関するご注意:FAT32でフォーマットされたHDDには、1ファイル4GBを超えるデータを格納することができません。データ容量が4GBを超えるダウンロード製品をご購入いただきます際には、NTFSやHFS+でフォーマットされたHDDをご用意いただく必要がございます。
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