

  • デモサウンド(3)
(現地定価:GBP 23.95)info

Broken Techno? What could this be? Well your lucky i am here to tell you. Broken Techno is simply Broken Beat Techno. This is nothing new to Techno. However the new style of Broken Techno is pretty heavy and very fierce. Not to mention it is appearing in so many Techno tracks we had to try tackle it. We think we nailed it.

Industrial Strength’s Broken Techno is one of our latest Loop Kit packs. This intense Broken Techno creation is ready for any Daw. All the samples are 100% made from the ground up to insure a very unique collection of sounds for this challenging style of Industrial Techno Music. The sample pack is 100% License Free to use and abuse your way.

This new collection features our signature Loop Kits. Each Kit can be used as is, or re mashed with the other Kits in the pack. All the Loops and sounds are created at 128 and 126 BPM. We offer 24 Loop Kits in this new Techno Pack. The pack also includes a sweet set of strange Techno Drones and a cool set of One-shots Ranging from 909 and 808 Style Kicks, Heavy Industrial Percussion and of course Tech Fx sounds in the kits.

Broken Techno was designed with total inspiration to achieve maximum creation. No Fillers. Everything you here in the Demo is in this pack. This pack packs a huge punch. Broken Techno contains a focused set of Audio Tools. This pack is geared up for EBM, Techno, Dark Techno, Dark Room, Hard Techno, Experimental Techno, and of course Industrial Techno.

All the sounds i the pack are clean and have loads of head room so you can throw all your Fx on these samples with no fuss. We really pushed the Demo track extra Hard to really push the sound

to the max. If your looking for new set of Broken Beats with Heavy Textures to add flavor to any Hard Modern EBM production or remixes. This pack is going to be a must have.

Repair Manual Not Included.



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